Not all citations are eligible for payment online.

If you cannot locate your citation here, please contact the court.
If you are attempting to pay a SPEED RADAR VIOLATION, please note that this site works best using the Google Chrome web browser. Enter your violation number (ex., MOR-C-00001234) and last name
as it appears on the violation.
PAYMENT BY MAIL: Send a copy of your violation or write the violation number on your check or money order payable to:
Town of Morrison
321 Highway 8
Morrison, CO 80465
Please call 720-208-2486 or email
police@morrisonco.us if you have questions or would like to dispute your violation. Please note that this phone line is unmonitored and it may take up to 72 hours for someone to return your call.
For all other citations written by a Morrison Police Officer, please enter the 6 digit number found in the upper right hand corner of the citation.